Sergey Leschev Sergey Leschev

Sergey Leschev

iOS Developer

Swift (L6+) | Full Stack (L6+) | Design Patterns (L6+) | System Architect (L7+) | Blog

Google Engineering Level: L6+

πŸ† Awards

Ranking #Dev: Global TOP 200 (Certificate)

Sergey Leschev

Sergey Leschev

Languages: Swift, Shell, Database (T-SQL, PL/SQL, MySQL), Concurrency (Python3).

Algorithms: linked lists, binary search, hash table, queue/stack, dfs/bfs, sort, heap/hash, two pointers, sliding window, tree, greedy problems etc.

Golden Award Muad’Dib’s Challenge

Sergey Leschev

Languages: Swift.

Algorithmic skills: Dynamic programming, Greedy algorithms, Binary search, Stack and Queues, Sorting, Time Complexity.

Contest: Algorithms, Data Structures.

Tapping on a link will take you to relevant certificates.


Computer Science

Design Patterns (L6+)

Behavioral Creational Structural
🐝 Chain Of Responsibility 🌰 Abstract Factory πŸ”Œ Adapter
πŸ‘« Command πŸ‘· Builder πŸŒ‰ Bridge
🎢 Interpreter 🏭 Factory Method 🌿 Composite
🍫 Iterator πŸ”‚ Monostate 🍧 Decorator
πŸ’ Mediator πŸƒ Prototype 🎁 Facade
πŸ’Ύ Memento πŸ’ Singleton πŸƒ Flyweight
πŸ‘“ Observer β˜” Protection Proxy
πŸ‰ State 🍬 Virtual Proxy
πŸ’‘ Strategy
πŸƒ Visitor
πŸ“ Template Method


Alamofire, Combine, CoreAnimation, GoogleMaps, Moya, Pushy, ReactiveSwift, RxSwift, SnapKit, StoreKit, Π‘oordinators, SwiftUI, SwiftLint, SwiftCentrifuge, Swift Package Manager, AppsFlyer, ApplePay, AdSupport, Autolayout, CGD, Clean, Clean Code, CocoaPods, CoreData, CoreLocation, Crashlytics, DRY, Fabric, Firebase, Firebase Analytics, Firebase Remote Config, Foundation, graphql, gRPC, iOS Human Interface Guidelines, JSON, jwt, KISS, MessageUI, Monorepo, MVC, MVP, MVVM, NSOperation, oauth, OpenAPI, Swagger, Storyboard, sqlite, SOLID, Socket.IO, SOAP, RIBs, REST, rest, Realm, TestFlight, UI Testing, UIKit, unit, URLSession, Viper, WebKit, XCTest, XML.

Project Guidelines (L6+)

A set of best practices in my projects.

Licenses & certifications

Latest Projects

[ο£Ώ iOS] Live Streaming App in UIKit with VIPER.

Role: Senior iOS Developer, Team Lead (L6+).

Description (tasks): Development architecture and new features.

Tech Stack:

[ο£Ώ iOS] Fitness iOS App in UIKit with Clean Swift.

Role: Senior iOS Developer, Team Lead (L6+).

Description (tasks): Development architecture and new features.

Tech Stack:

[ο£Ώ iOS] Social Network App in SwiftUI with MVVM.

Role: iOS Developer (L6+).

Description (tasks): Development architecture and new features.

Tech Stack:

Sources: SwiftUI

[ο£Ώ iOS] Fitness Motivation Coach App in SwiftUI.

Role: iOS Developer (L6+).

Description (tasks): Development architecture and new features.

Tech Stack:


Sources: SwiftUI

Apple Developer Academy

Worldwide Developers Conference 2023 (WWDC23)


I have a clear focus on time-to-market and don't prioritize technical debt. And I took part in the Pre-Sale/RFX activity as a System Architect, assessment efforts for Mobile (iOS-Swift, Android-Kotlin) and Backend (NodeJS-.NET-PHP-Kafka-SQL-NoSQL). And I also formed the work of Pre-Sale as a CTO from Opportunity to Proposal via knowledge transfer to Successful Delivery.

πŸ›©οΈ #startups #management #cto #swift #typescript #database

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